
2015-10-03 A special Fall ride this year had HOG members from PEI, NB and NS join together for a scenic event called “HOG-toberfest”. We met up at the Harley Dealer in Moncton (Toys-for-Big-Boys), at noon for a BBQ. Then some scenic rides around the Fundy area. I took a separate stop at Hillsborough to see the Train and aircraft museum. It’s about half-way from Moncton to Hopewell Cape.
We all stayed at the Hopewell Rocks Motel which is right next to the entrance of Hopewell Cape park.
That night about 40 HOG members enjoyed a full dinner at the Broadleaf Ranch.
The next morning we toured the Hopewell Rocks at low tide before heading home again.
The online album is here:

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